
English :- Financial advice for new traders: When Bitcoin is in a bullish trend, avoid trading other coins. During a BTC surge, the market becomes unpredictable—some altcoins may skyrocket, while others could crash. If you buy at the wrong time, you might catch a coin right before it dumps. On the other hand, when Bitcoin is in a bearish or stable phase, the market tends to be more predictable, allowing for safer trading without extreme price swings.

Note: This advice is for beginners in the market

Chinese :- 给新手交易者的财务建议:当比特币处于牛市趋势时,避免交易其他币种。在比特币上涨期间,市场变得不可预测——一些山寨币可能飙升,而另一些则可能暴跌。如果你在错误的时间买入,可能会赶上暴跌的币种。另一方面,当比特币处于熊市或相对稳定的阶段时,市场通常会更加可预测,这样可以更安全地交易,不会有极端的价格波动。
