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In 1980,the Hunt brothers triggered a financial upheaval by driving silver prices from $6 to an astonishing $50 per ounce.

Nelson and William Hunt controlled more than a third of the world’s privately held silver at their zenith, causing a stir across financial markets.

The Hunt brothers'story began in the early 1970s,fueled by their substantial oil wealth. Concerned about inflation and a weakening U.S. dollar, they viewed silver as a secure investment that could protect their assets and offer substantial returns.

Their cautious initial purchases rapidly escalated into a full-scale market domination.By 1979,the brothers had accumulated an incredible 100 million ounces of silver,prompting a surge in investor interest and driving prices to unprecedented levels.By January 1980, silver had soared to nearly $50 per ounce, and the Hunts were at the height of their market influence.

However,their reign was short-lived. Increased regulatory scrutiny led to new rules and higher margin requirements. Over-leveraged and unable to meet these demands,the Hunts found themselves in a dire situation.On March 27, 1980—known as Silver Thursday—the market collapsed, with silver prices dropping more than 50% in one day.

The fallout was severe.The Hunts were compelled to sell off their extensive silver holdings,which triggered a market panic and resulted in billions of dollars in losses.Once powerful players in the silver market, the brothers ended up bankrupt and discredited,their bold attempt to dominate the market collapsing in failure.#CPI_BTC_Watch #CryptoMarketMoves