5 Level areas that must be destroyed if dogs want to fly to the moon

Technical Analysis and fundamental news are inseparable in the world of digital trading. Although sometimes, technical and fundamental are often debated about which is superior. Actually, there is nothing better, they all complement each other. Fundamental news is information or events that have an impact on the coins we trade, while technical is a reflection of the market psychology of market players. Fundamental is used to analyze the potential of a token in the future, while technical is used to make a specific decision. For example, according to fundamental news the dogs token will fly high, the question is at what price should you buy? then the technical task is to provide an overview of the price at which you should buy to get the best price, and vice versa when you want to sell. As a seller, of course you also want to sell at the best price, where the best price is when the market makes an upward correction before finally going down. Now I will show you, where the obstacles are strong enough where dogs might try hard to break through that level in order to be victorious and fly. There are at least 5 barriers that dogs must destroy to go to the moon.
