How to earn on stonfi.dex(prt2)


Farming is a method of generating additional income by stacking liquidity pool tokens. It is all about maximising your yield.

Furthermore, as a STON.FI liquidity provider, you can farm to gain more tokens. Unlike staking, which involves blocking a particular type of token, farming requires staking of liquidity tokens. You can obtain these tokens by providing liquidity to the STON. FI DEX

Farming is open to everyone.

Starting, you must already have a TON wallet, and if you don't, you can possibly get a Tonkeeper or Tonhub wallet.

Following this example using USDT/TON 

Step 1

Proceed to ston.fi.dex, connect your created wallet, and approve permission from your wallet.

Step 2

After connecting your wallet, you then need to provide liquidity to the token you are about to farm, which is USDT/TON. 

So if you have enough $TON or $STON, you can easily swap directly on the ston_fi.dex at the menu, select swap, and proceed to swap to USDT. Make sure you have the same value of both tokens.

Step 3

After swapping, proceed to add liquidity. Tap on the menu button and select 'pool.' You will see where it says add liquidity. Tap on it and scroll through the funded token, USDT/TON to add liquidity for it. 

Add and approve transactions from your wallet as well.

Step 4

After providing liquidity, then still on the pool tab, find the token you provided liquidity for (USDT/TON),  then tap on it.

Below it, you should be able to see the 'Fram' button, tap on it, and approve it from your wallet.

After completion and approval, you will be able to see and monitor your farm token on the 'my pool' tab and see growth and other details.

As easy as that, and you will be qualified to earn rewards on the pool prize allocated to that particular pool, and you can claim whenever you wish and also remove your added liquidity when the farming date is over.

Stay tuned. I would recommend many pool tokens for farming and getting decent rewards over time on stonfi.dex.