1) i'm p2p trader in Dubai, daily i receive few requests that need to change USDT for 100m. These requests come via social media, unknown whatsApp msgs, ex colleagues and recently from close friends. Only to close friends I explain:
its 100 million dollars pallet. (pallet is sealed box with dollars currency bills) owner wants to liquidate dollars in one shot.
now my question? is there anyone in UAE who is holding 100 million USDT ? its fantasy

So whoever wants to liquidate pallet, contact me
we can do daily upto 20-25millon in 4-5 transactions.
not possible in one transaction to liquidate 25m at all.

Please don't waste time, time is money.

Be noted that: on first transaction: we collect randomly bills, first we do our lab test, second scan via ultraviolet detector, third via infrared money counter machine.

If you're carrying counterfeit bills, authorities will treat you, not me.

After above procedure, whatever amount (less than $5m) you have, you will get USDT on same time.


2) For smaller amounts:

we have experienced customers bring original bills, we do first transaction happily. In next transaction they are carrying partially or all fake bills, most of the time they are messenger (not aware with scam) and get stuck with authorities. Please don't put your greed in big trouble.


3) if you receive request, i need to change US dollars same time, as soon as you will receive dollars, send us USDT, 99% such people are carrying fake bills.


4) If i ask you, i have 100 dollar bills need to change into 50, what will you charge? its hilarious, right? why someone will ask you to change notes

Same feeling I get, when someone ask me, i have US dollars, need to change into dirham or usdt. Since 1997, US dollar and UAE dirham are pegged one dollar is equal to 3.6725

in UAE banks, you can open US dollar account also.
So if someone is asking you to help converting US dollars into dirhams, it means he is carrying counterfeit bills. if you know him personally, explain all above otherwise? stay away

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