💬Recently, there have been frequent cases of celebrity Twitter accounts being hacked. Scammers post about scam coins, and people, without thinking, rush to buy these coins and end up losing money. Friends, don't be among these people. We are here to grow our wealth, not lose it.

Previously, the accounts of McDonald's and football player Kylian MbappĂ© were hacked. Today, the accounts of Donald Trump's daughter and the wife of his son Eric were compromised.đŸ€”

The strangest part is that even though people see how hackers are successfully breaching accounts, they still rush to buy the scam coins. They want to be among the first to buy and make more money, but in the end, they just lose. One person lost over 1 million dollars. Can you imagine how much that is? If he had bought fundamental cryptocurrencies instead, it could have turned into 3-4 million dollars in the current market.đŸ€‘

I'm sitting down to write a post about what awaits us in September and for the rest of 2024.

Give a reaction if you're interested!
