The Broken Dream

Ken Griffin started Citadel with $265K in 1987. He manages $63B today.

Ray Dalio started with $5K in 1975. Bridgewater manages $150B today.

Carl Icahn started with $400K in 1968. His AUM is $10B today.

This dream is basically dead in 2024.

It doesn't matter if you've developed novel ideas on how to invest systematically.

It doesn't matter if you've mastered:

- Technical indicators like MACD and RSI,

- Macro correlations like net liquidity, interest rates, and CPI inflation,

- Tradfi fundamentals like EPS and EBITDA,

- Crypto fundamentals like FDV, vesting, and unlocks,

- Or even mindshare and sentiment analysis with alternative data sources.

It doesn't matter.

You need at least $10M to get started today.

1. You need a team of software engineers and data scientists to create, backtest, and execute your algorithms.

2. You need six-figure enterprise subscriptions to financial data sources like @Bloomberg for TradFi and @MessariCrypto for crypto.

3. You probably need access to a prime broker.

The barriers to entry for algorithmic investing are extremely high.

I know there are hundreds of thousands of people globally with the dedication, analytical rigor, and intellectual curiosity required to succeed in systematic algorithmic investing.

But they just cannot get access to capital for structural reasons. They need some way to demonstrate their abilities first. Someone or something needs to give them the opportunity to create a positive reflexive flywheel to change their lives.

Well-functioning capital markets distribute excess capital to those who know what to do with it. This steady stream advances society inexorably forward.

But the system is fundamentally broken today. The artificial barriers to entry are just too high.

We're going to break these barriers with @loch_chain.

We're going to locate and empower fringe talent with global capital.

Follow @Prithvir12 and @loch_chain and keep your notifications on.

Make sure you don't miss it.