The 2024 US presidential election could be a game-changer for the crypto market. Economist Alex Krüger believes the outcome will be a pivotal factor in determining whether altcoins or Bitcoin come out on top in the coming years.

With the race heating up between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, crypto policies have become a central issue for many voters. A recent poll found that crypto owners favor Trump by a significant margin, showing the industry's growing political influence.

Both candidates have been courting the crypto vote. Harris is pushing for a "great reset" in the Democratic Party's relationship with crypto, while Trump has embraced the industry, even releasing his own NFTs. Their policy proposals, from Harris' forward-thinking approach to Trump's plans for a Bitcoin-backed reserve currency, could significantly impact regulation, taxation, and mainstream adoption.

Younger voters, who make up a substantial portion of the electorate, are also a key factor. A significant percentage of Gen Z and Millennials would likely support crypto-friendly candidates. Their votes could swing the election in a crypto-friendly direction.

With the stakes so high, crypto investors would be wise to follow the election closely. The outcome will shape the industry's trajectory for years to come.

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