In a dramatic turn of events, Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been detained, sparking global outrage. Over 2 million voices have risen in unison, signing the #FREEDUROV_ Open Letter to champion freedom of speech and Durov's release. 🌍✊

In the midst of this movement, the $DOGS token has surged by 25%, becoming the emblem of resistance and defiance against the system. This memecoin's rise reflects a profound message of unity and strength in the face of adversity. đŸ’ȘđŸ¶

Even in the realm of international politics, the impact is palpable. A major arms deal to supply 80 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia has been put on hold as a protest against Durov's arrest, showcasing how deeply public opinion can sway financial and political decisions. đŸ’„âœˆïž

This powerful wave of support underscores the influence of collective action and belief in a future where everyone’s rights are safeguarded. Stand with the movement and witness the transformative power of unity!

#TON #TelegramCE #DOGSONBINANCE #Durov #FreedomOfSpeech