Telegram, the popular messaging platform, has made a significant move in the world of cryptocurrencies. According to the Financial Times, Telegram holds a substantial $400 million worth of crypto assets on its balance sheet. This strategic decision highlights Telegram's growing embrace of digital currencies. This move is particularly noteworthy as Telegram has been widely recognized for its focus on privacy and security. By holding crypto on its balance sheet, Telegram signals its confidence in the long-term potential of digital assets. Industry experts believe that Telegram's decision could encourage other major tech companies to explore similar investments. Telegram's investment in crypto aligns with its broader vision of becoming a comprehensive digital ecosystem. The company is reportedly working on developing its own blockchain platform, Telegram Open Network (TON), which aims to facilitate decentralized applications and services. The Financial Times report also sheds light on the company's revenue model. While Telegram's core messaging service remains free to use, it plans to generate income through additional features and services, including crypto-related offerings. Overall, Telegram's strategic investment in crypto is a testament to the growing importance of digital assets in modern finance and the evolving role of tech companies in this space.