As the undisputed #1 on $DOGS, it's time to clear the air and address the brewing storm of fear and disappointment surrounding the massive 550B DOGS supply. DOGS hunters are panicking, terrified that all 40 million members will dump their DOGS simultaneously on August 20th. But hold on—everyone’s missing one crucial point.

1. Yes, there are 40 million members. But think about it—remember that anyone could snag 20,000 DOGS just by inviting five people? Someone might invite their dad, mom, brother, sister, and a random friend just to grab those points. Sure, it sounds like a solid plan, but let’s be real: out of those five people, how many will actually be serious about DOGS? Do you think all those family members and friends are going to bother creating new wallets and paying gas fees to withdraw their DOGS? I doubt it.

2. Here’s the kicker: not everyone in that 40 million is going to connect their wallets and pay the fees, especially those with less than 5,000 DOGS who only joined because a friend begged them to. Need proof? On July 26, 2024, DOGS boasted 25 million members, yet only 10 million bothered to connect their wallets.

3. Fast forward to August 3rd, and the numbers tell an even more surprising story—only 500,000 members posted DOGS stories. Yes, just 500,000 out of millions! That’s a mere fraction of what everyone expected.

4. Of the 550B DOGS, about 400B will be airdropped. But will all of it actually make it to active wallets? Many members won't bother learning how to create wallets or pay gas fees. My guess? Only 20% will be active, and a huge chunk of those 400B DOGS—maybe 100-200B—will stay stuck in the app, unclaimed. Unclaimed DOGS = HOLD DOGS!$DOGS $BTC $ETH