Yes, it's true—people are making serious money with meme coins. But what if I told you that YOU can do the same? 💰

Here are some gem tips to easily multiply your capital 🧵👇

Even with a LOW deposit, you can make life-changing gains on meme coins. All you need are:

🔹 Research Skills

🔹 Good Tools

🔹 Special Filters

I’ve got all of these, and I’m here to share them with you! 🔽

How to Determine if a Meme Coin Has Potential:

Fun Appeal & Strong Community

High Liquidity, Volume, and Market Cap

Devs Holding <6% of Tokens

Active Trading in the Last Few Hours

Filters You Can Use 🔽

These are my go-to filters:

1. Visit:

2. Select: "New Pairs"

3. Set Up Filters:

- Platform: Solana

- Liquidity: $1000 min

- Age (hrs): 5 min, 24 max

- 1H tnx: 70 min

What’s Next? Scam Check! 👇

It's crucial to filter out scam tokens!

🔹 Step 1: Copy the coin's address

🔹 Step 2: Go to

🔹 Step 3: Enter the address and check its rating

Tip: Trade coins with a good rating to stay safe! 🛡️

My Trading Platform: Photon

Here’s how I trade memecoins:

1. Visit: Photon

2. Paste: Meme coin address

3. Trade: Simple as that!

Check out the video for a step-by-step guide! 🎥

Final Tips 🙃

Remember these key points:

🔸 Buy what attracts you and has hype

🔸 Invest only what you’re willing to lose

🔸 Upgrade your research skills constantly

🔸 Ensure the project has well-designed social media & a website

Now you're ready to unlock the secrets of successful meme coin trading! 🚀🔥

Hidden Gem:

Wirte on It and Get 250k $G Share.

Here's a structured and detailed version of your post that aligns with the requirements of the Gravity Alpha Mainnet campaign:

🌟 Join the #GravityAlphaMainnet Movement! 🚀

🎯 Benefits and Rights of G Holders:

- 🔹 Staking Power:

- Stake your G tokens to secure the Gravity network and earn exclusive rewards.

- Contribute to the long-term sustainability of both the Gravity and Galxe ecosystems.

- 🔹 Governance Rights:

- Influence key decisions through G DAO, a decentralized governance framework.

- Your G tokens give you voting power, shaping the future of the Gravity and Galxe ecosystems.

- 🔹 Efficient Transactions:

- G serves as the native gas token for Gravity Chain, facilitating all onchain transactions.

- Essential for executing smart contracts and using dApps within the Gravity ecosystem.

- 🔹 Versatile Payments:

- Use G as the primary payment token across the Galxe ecosystem, including Galxe Quest, Passport, and Score.

- Seamless integration for engaging with multiple services within the ecosystem.

🌐 Future Prospects for the Gravity Chain:

- 🔸 Scalability & Interoperability:

- Gravity’s omnichain architecture is set to solve cross-chain interaction challenges.

- Enables smooth, efficient transactions across different blockchain networks.

- 🔸 Growing Developer Community:

- Expect more developers and projects to build on Gravity, increasing the demand for G.

- A scalable infrastructure that supports the future growth of decentralized applications.

- 🔸 Potential for Value Appreciation:

- As Gravity’s adoption grows, the value of G tokens is likely to increase.

- Early holders and stakers could see significant returns as the ecosystem expands.

🛠️ The Future of Galxe Powered by Gravity:

- 🔸 Expanding Ecosystem:

- Galxe, backed by Gravity, is set to become a key player in decentralized identity management, reputation systems, and more.

- G will be central to powering these services, making it indispensable within the ecosystem.

- 🔸 Synergy Between Gravity and Galxe:

- The powerful combination of Gravity’s scalable infrastructure with Galxe’s innovative applications.

- Expected to drive widespread adoption of Web3 technologies.

- 🔸 Comprehensive Utility:

- G supports staking, governance, and payments, securing its role in both ecosystems.

- Users benefit from a streamlined experience while contributing to the ecosystem's growth.

🔔 Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of the #GravityAlphaMainnet ! 🌌

As Gravity and Galxe continue to evolve, the integration of G tokens into these ecosystems will pave the way for the next generation of Web3. I’m excited to see how this innovation will transform decentralized interactions and drive mass adoption! 🚀