$ETH: The cuck coin or as @AviFelman calls it, the $XRP of this cycle. Not really surprised at the performance of this coin. The same thing happened in 2016 and 2019 - trash performance until the post halving year with a 69% drop in both of those years. I'm currently betting that this time is not different and it will drop 69% from the high back to the lows of the cycle. That would be comedic and the disbelief on the tl would be crazy.

$ETHBTC: I think this pair bottoms between .034 and .037 before EOY. I think if you're risk averse, you give yourself until December before buying this and hope that loose monetary policy is here and that seasonality plays out once again, giving it enough juice for ETH to hit the GCR $10k target (altho it prob goes to either 8 or 12-15k if we get a true bull run).