I will repeat once again, everything I said before the adoption of the ETF! Retail investors who dreamed of institutional investors coming are now for some reason not happy)

They used to shout that the cryptocurrency is not growing enough because institutional investors have not yet entered the market! Now they shout that the market is not growing because institutional investors are pushing the price down!

The crypto sphere is the most toxic, the most hypocritical sphere! With a bunch of stupid memes, where the majority have no idea at all about financial markets, price delivery, how institutions work! How macro events affect the market, how even the banal labor market in the US affects the market! Most only learned in 2024 what an ETF is and that there is some kind of interest rate that some new structure for them like the FED should either raise or lower! But everyone plays crypto experts on Twitter! And a mandatory condition for social media coverage, you should always draw the graphs in green and show the upward direction! $BTC