1/ "🚀Breaking News:

Stars Arena, the rebellious twin of Friend Tech, just got pickpocketed for $2,000! But don't worry, they still have a cool $1M in the piggy bank. đŸ·"

2/ "đŸ”„The exploit was so absurd that it's like robbing a bank with a water gun.

The attacker spent more on gas fees than what they stole. Talk about a failed heist! đŸ€Ą"

3/ "đŸ‘œMeanwhile,

Friend Tech is sitting on a $45M throne, probably laughing at Stars Arena's misfortune.

But hey, they've had their share of sim-swap attacks.

No one's safe in the #Web3 Wild West! đŸ€ "

4/ "🛾Plot Twist:

What if Stars Arena and Friend Tech are actually run by intergalactic beings who feed on human confusion? The real exploit is us not knowing the truth! 🌀"

5/ "🔼In conclusion, both platforms are like gladiators in the #Web3 arena, fighting for your social clout and crypto.

🎉So next time you hear about an exploit or a vulnerability, don't just roll your eyes.

In web3 absurdity is an opportunity. đŸŽČ"