Develop and test COTI’s privacy-preserving smart contract capabilities in the Remix IDE — coming soon!

We’re pleased to share a progress update on the upcoming release of our COTI plugin for the popular Remix IDE.

Remix IDE is widely recognized as one of the most utilized development environments in the Ethereum ecosystem. It offers Solidity support and a range of smart contract templates and plugins to accelerate the development lifecycle.

The COTI Remix plugin will make COTI’s privacy-preserving smart contract capabilities available to the vast user-base of Remix IDE, estimated to be well over 100,000 developers.

COTI’s extended gcEVM (Garbled Circuits EVM) previously required additional setup to access its privacy-preserving features but the new plugin eliminates this complexity, making COTI development more accessible than ever.

Key features of the COTI Remix plugin include:

  • One-click activation from the Remix plugins section

  • Easy access to COTI’s faucet to request funds for your contracts

  • Creation and onboarding of new accounts to the COTI network with a single click

  • Seamless compilation and deployment of smart contracts to the COTI network

  • Easy interaction with deploy contracts allows you to encrypt and decrypt data on the COTI network

  • Access to all necessary COTI libraries and pre-compiles

The plugin is forward compatible, designed to work across all COTI environments (Devnet, Testnet, and Mainnet).

For developers new to COTI, the plugin offers an ideal starting point. You’ll be able to:

  • Quickly deploy and interact with privacy-preserving smart contracts

  • Visualize how encrypted data looks on-chain

We’re also developing comprehensive documentation to guide you through the plugin’s capabilities, including examples of primitives, patterns, and advanced features unique to COTI.

We’re excited for the launch of the COTI Remix plugin which will be available soon from the Remix plugin repository. Stay tuned for the official release announcement and start building privacy-preserving applications with unprecedented ease!

Stay COTI!

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Introducing the COTI Remix IDE Plugin was originally published in COTI on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.