The Simpsons' Stunning Bitcoin Prediction! 🚹

🚀 The Simpsons have done it again! 💡 In a mind-blowing 2021 episode, the iconic show hinted at something extraordinary—**Bitcoin’s value skyrocketing to INFINITY**! đŸ€Ż Yes, you read that right, infinity!

This isn’t just another wild theory. The Simpsons have a remarkable track record of predicting the future with uncanny accuracy. Remember when they predicted **Donald Trump’s presidency** back in 2000? Or when they foresaw the **Fox-Disney merger** in 1998, long before it happened? And let’s not forget their prediction of Finnish economist **Bengt R. Holmstrom’s Nobel Prize win**!

With such a history, could The Simpsons be on the mark once again? Is Bitcoin set to reach unimaginable heights as traditional currencies falter? 💾 Hold on tight—the future of finance could be more thrilling than we ever imagined! 🌐
