A Crypto Hacker Purchased Ethereum (ETH) with Stolen DAI!

It is known that one of the most important problems in the cryptocurrency sector is hackers. Attacks carried out by hackers can cause significant damage to crypto projects and investors. A short while ago, a phishing attack was carried out on a whale.

A whale lost $55.43 million worth of #DAI after signing a phishing transaction targeting the DeFi Saver Proxy. Ember, a successful data provider, provided the following information about these hackers:

“An hour ago, on September 21, the phishing attacker who stole 55.47 million DAI through phishing purchased 6,958.7 ETH using 19.27 million DAI.

This attacker used 48.65 million DAI to purchase 18,217 ETH with an average of $2,671. Additionally, he transferred 708 ETH via the eXch exchange (the eXch exchange does not require registration or KYC and is typically used to transfer funds/private transactions etc.). This hacker currently has approximately 17,509 ETH (worth $48.31 million) and $6.8 million in DAI.”