⚪️ Vitalik Buterin stated that Ethereum has become stronger:

1️⃣ Transaction fees on L2 have dropped below $0.01.

2️⃣ Two L2 networks compatible with EVM – Optimism and Arbitrum – are currently in their first stage.

3️⃣ The user experience with cross-L2 wallets has significantly improved (e.g., no longer needing to manually switch networks), although there’s still room for perfection.

4️⃣ Far more powerful and mature ZK tools are simplifying life for application developers.

5️⃣ Second-generation privacy tools are beginning to emerge (e.g., 0xbowio).

6️⃣ The ecosystem for identification, reputation, and credentials has become much stronger and is actively being used.

7️⃣ Progress in STARKs (Scalable Transparent Arguments of Knowledge) provides a clearer vision for long-term security and decentralization.

8️⃣ There's now more clarity regarding the account abstraction roadmap.

9️⃣ There's also more clarity regarding the ultimate goal of block construction (it seems the choice has narrowed down to FOCIL + APS vs. multi-proposers).

🔟 Staking decentralization is stable (see the comparative diagrams below; the claim that "PoS is more centralized than PoW" has been completely disproven).

💪 The fundamental foundations of Ethereum are incredibly strong right now.

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