For this week's vote, the CWG is proposing a budget to fund multiple pre-trial WGs, and rapidly iterate towards developing the execution engines of the Jupiverse.

Up until now, Trials were the main way for community members to participate in the WorkGroup system.

However, they are a major commitment, often lasting 3-6 months and are a very intensive work-in-public process.

In order to allow community members and the DAO to experience more iteration cycles and gain faster feedback, the CWG is suggesting the creation of this microgrant system.

This draft proposal contains a request for $150K USDC to fund up to 30 of these microgrants for $5k-$10k each, over a 3-6 months period.

This would allow new potential WGs to apply for a grant and prove their capabilities before they could apply to be a Trial WG.

Read the full proposal and leave your feedback here:

Over the next 24 hours, the CWG will be conducting a Discord Town Hall, and analysing the feedback from Discord, Twitter, and the Jupresearch Forum. They will use this information to adjust their proposal before the final version is posted this time tomorrow. The vote will begin right after.

See you at the Discord Town Hall at 4 PM UTC / 12 AM EST!

Hear from @weremeow, @KEMOS4BE & @SlorgoftheSlugs at the yesterday's planetary call!