Good Afternoon Everyone,

Two days ago, I shared a BTC update based on the 15-minute chart. At that time, BTC broke the resistance level at 58,725 and traded above 58,750. After the bullish update, BTC experienced a 1% drop due to the opening of ETF trading but eventually rose above 59,000. Yesterday morning, BTC climbed to 61,386, followed by a sudden drop from 60,500 to 58,500 in the evening.

Why the Silence?

I remained quiet after that update because BTC has been holding onto the bullish momentum on the 15-minute chart. I haven't received any confirmation of bearish momentum yet. Unlike lower timeframes that can change frequently throughout the day, the 15-minute chart takes more time to reflect any shifts in market momentum.

Current Sentiment:

BTC currently has a support level at 58,728 on the 15-minute chart. For BTC to enter bearish momentum, it needs to close below this support level. If the support level holds, BTC will maintain its bullish momentum.

Stay patient and watch the support level closely for any changes.