Gate is the only network that supports DOGS order book transactions, supports instant PreMint operations, and sells in advance to lock in airdrop profits

According to the news from Mars Finance, on August 21, Gate has opened the pre-trading of DOGS. As the only platform in the network that supports DOGS order book trading, it has the advantages of deep liquidity, small bid-ask spread, and supports real-time trading. It also exclusively provides instant PreMint operations, which can help users lock in the DOGS airdrop earnings in advance. Additionally, this function allows users to mint DOGS by pledging USDT before the token is listed on the spot market, so they can participate in the trading market in advance and lock in potential earnings. After the actual token is opened for deposit, users can complete the pre-market delivery by depositing the tokens and then withdraw the pledged USDT.

According to earlier news, Gate has become the official deposit and trading platform for the DOGS project, and users can now continuously pre-deposit DOGS tokens to the platform. As one of the first trading platforms in the industry to support pre-trading (PreMint), Gate currently supports the pre-trading of popular tokens such as DOGS and HMSTR, allowing users to mint and trade in advance before the actual tokens are officially listed, locking in their earnings. At the same time, Gate has also launched a "0 fee DOGS trading competition" event, where users can participate and share a $100,000 prize pool.