“A few weeks ago, I held a real preserved human brain on my podcast... and it’s had a profound impact on me. This small, fragile, tofu-like mass inside our heads - so delicate I could have crushed it with a single squeeze - holds the entirety of our entire human experience.

Our love, fear, pain, every memory we’ve ever had, every dream dream we have for our future and every relationship we have - all exist within this soft, squishy organ.

🧠 Tragic medical conditions like Dementia and Alzheimer's are stark reminders of just how fragile these precious aspects of our lives - love, memories, relationships - become when our brain is not well.

The experience made me reflect deeply on how I’m treating my brain. What am I exposing it to? Excessive Toxins? Alcohol? Dehydration? Sugar? Am I giving it enough sleep, exercise, and rest from stress?

👩🏻‍⚕️ The neuroscientists on my podcast told me a few surprising brain health hacks that we should be focusing on:

✅ Social Connection: Regular, meaningful social interactions lower cognitive decline risk and improve brain function.

✅ Gut Health: A healthy gut microbiome supports brain health by reducing inflammation and aiding neurotransmitter production.

✅ Continuous Learning: Engaging in new and challenging activities stimulates neuroplasticity, builds cognitive reserve, and promotes neurogenesis, keeping the brain sharp and resilient.

Just by seeing and holding a real human brain I've made several significant changes to my habits already!

What relationship do you have with your brain? Do you actually think about?

(P.S… Huge shoutout to all the amazing people and organisations fighting to cure Dementia and Alzheimer's - what a heartbreakingly awful disease. More needs to be invested in curing these illnesses.)”

Source: Steven Bartlett.