📉 Bitcoin's Recent Collapse: A Detailed Analysis

- Expanding Triangle Formation:

- Starting at this year's high, Bitcoin formed an expanding triangle into July's low.

- The subsequent rally appears to be an X wave, though confirmation is needed to determine if wave X is complete.

- Regardless, a bearish phase is currently unfolding.

- Bear/Bull Level Correction:

- The critical "bear/bull level" was adjusted to $72,000 USD.

- Bitcoin has remained below this level and has collapsed significantly over the past two weeks.

- The size and speed of this decline suggest a potential 1-2 year bear market.

- Potential Government Regulations:

- Prolonged decline may prompt governments to impose stricter regulations on the cryptocurrency market.

- These actions could be an attempt to maintain financial control and stability.

Let's stay vigilant and prepared for the evolving cryptocurrency landscape! 🌐💡

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