*🚨Ethereum Centralization Concerns*


- *Vitalik Buterin's Denial*: Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has denied claims that the Ethereum research team is leaning towards centralization ¹. He emphasized that the team is actively discussing ways to minimize centralization.

- *Péter Szilágyi's Concerns*: Ethereum team lead Péter Szilágyi expressed concerns that the research team is embracing centralization as long as it can be verified ¹. He argued that increasing the Ethereum blob size to 32 MB would hinder home stakers from participating in the network, contradicting the spirit of decentralization.

- *Ethereum's Decentralized Nature*: Ethereum's protocol is decentralized, and no single organization or individual runs it ². The Ethereum Foundation, a non-profit organization, supports Ethereum and related technologies.

- *Governance Mechanisms*: Ethereum's governance mechanisms involve protocol developers, Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs), and the Ethereum Cat Herders, an independent group of 11 individuals who work as product managers on the Ethereum network ².

- *Centralization vs. Decentralization*: The debate around centralization and decentralization in Ethereum highlights the importance of balancing the need for efficient decision-making with the principles of decentralization and community involvement.