Web3 quests are a new way to engage users and educate them about blockchain technology. They are essentially gamified digital experiences that allow users to earn rewards for completing tasks.

Marketers and founders should care about Web3 quests for several reasons. First, they can be a great way to attract new users to your product or community. Lastly, they can help you educate users the product your are building.

You can think of it as launching on Product Hunt.

There are a growing number of Web3 quest creation platforms available. This can make it difficult to know which platform to choose. In this guide, I will provide an overview of the different Web3 quest creation platforms and help you choose the right one for your needs.

What is a Web3 Quest?

A Web3 quest allows users to earn rewards for completing tasks. These tasks can be anything from social media actions to completing recurring actions on your products.

Web3 quests are typically launched on the blockchain to facilitate smart contracts actions from taking place.

Why Should Marketers and Founders Care About Web3 Quests?

There are several reasons why marketers and founders should care about Web3 quests. First, they can be a great way to attract new users to your platform or project. Quests can be used to introduce users to your product or service and give them a taste of what you have to offer.

Web3 quests can help you build a community of engaged users who are more likely to become customers or supporters. By rewarding users for completing tasks, you can encourage them to come back and participate in your quest. This can help you build a loyal community of users who are invested in your success.

Be mindful of your choice of reward too!

How to Stay Safe

As with any new technology, there are some risks associated with Web3 quests. It is important to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect yourself.

One risk is that you could lose your cryptocurrency or NFTs if you are not careful. When you setting up a quest, you are typically asked to deposit cryptocurrency or NFTs. Always opt to use the platforms reward system or utilise a different platform to create your smart contracts.


Web3 quests are a new and exciting way to engage users and educate them about blockchain technology. They can be a great tool for marketers and founders who are looking to attract new users, educate users about their products, and build a community of engaged users.

If you are interested in creating a Web3 quest, there are a number of platforms available to help you get started. I created a free guide that provide you with an overview of the different Web3 quest creation platforms available in the space.

Click this link to download my free guide to Web3 quest creation platforms when its live.

Web3 Quest Creation Platforms: A Guide for Marketers and Founders was originally published in CryptoStars on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.