You must have heard the word " Discipline " many times in your journey to success.

but how do we know that we are in Discipline / out of Discipline .

A new thing that I learned which is based on Psychology :

You were Undisciplined - X

Now you are Discipline - Y

In the process of Change you may have changed your habits/activity/thinking/mindset/timing of work/ timing of waste...etc

You become a Y - Discpline .

Now whenever you are doin the thing that was your mistake previously when you were X .


You are doing the thing ( Habits etc ) which you have quit after becoming a Y , if you are doing so you are going towards X .

If you were thinking the Learning is waste when you were - X

You start learning and giving Value to it when you become - Y

After few months if you are start thinking again that Learning is Waste - you should know you are going towards X ( Undispline )

That's how i've track my activity and learned very important things about myself as humen being , and you can learn this too .

No one can look at you and say that you are discipline or undiscpline , until you are not tracking .

In a short way : when ever you are doing the thing you've quit OR Whenever you are start thinking about something you have quit , you should be known to yourself that you are going towards X Which is Undisciplined .

Doing the things which are required on the right time over again and again : that's what called " Discpline " .