The next generation of the internet is coming - Web 3.0, the semantic web, is expected to profoundly impact businesses and industries worldwide. This decentralized version of the web built on blockchain, AI and machine learning promises to revolutionize how companies operate, engage with customers and create value. Here are some of the key ways business will change in the Web 3.0 era:

Decentralized Organizations Web 3.0 enables the creation of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) - distributed networks of autonomous agents governed by rules enforced on a blockchain. DAOs will redefine how businesses are owned and managed without centralized control. This can enable new community-driven business models and decision making.

Smart Contracts Self-executing contracts on blockchain will become commonplace between companies on Web 3.0. Smart contracts facilitate complex business transactions and add security, speed and efficiency without middlemen. Companies can automate supply chain payments, IP deals, financial agreements etc. with transparency.

Supply Chain Management Web 3.0 will transform supply chain relationships using blockchain and IoT. Goods can be tracked in real-time across a transparent, decentralized supply chain network. This ensures provenance, ethical sourcing and compliance while improving efficiency and reducing costs.

Personalized Customer Experiences AI, ML and data analytics will enable hyper-personalized and predictive customer experiences on Web 3.0. Brands can offer customized recommendations, tailored pricing, targeted promotions etc. to each individual in real-time and build deeper engagement.

New Business Models, Products and Services Web 3.0 will enable new revenue opportunities through micropayments, subscriptions, digital assets, tokenized content etc. Immersive experiences like VR-AR shopping, blockchain-certified education, AI health assistants, smart IoT services etc. will become new profit centers.

The transition may take time, but Web 3.0 will undoubtedly revolutionize businesses. To stay competitive, executives need to anticipate these impacts, invest in emerging technologies and adopt decentralized, intelligent and autonomous business models. Though challenging, embracing Web 3.0 is key to succeeding in the future digital economy.