Exciting news in the world of Web3! Catalyze has just launched a revolutionary community learning app that is set to change the game. With the introduction of the 'Web3 Alphas' NFT series and the CTZ Token Rewards program, Catalyze is paving the way for a new era of decentralized community engagement, rewards, and governance.

The 'Web3 Alphas' NFT series is a nod to the early days of personal computers and the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP). Only 2000 NFTs will exist, with exclusive access to a token-gated Catalyze group, detailed analytics, and exposure opportunities. Exciting, right?

And let's not forget about the CTZ Token Rewards program, designed to incentivize users to build and engage within communities on the platform. With three phases focusing on community builders, individual users, and event challenges, there are plenty of opportunities to earn tokens and get involved.

It's clear that Catalyze is on a mission to empower and connect communities through decentralized governance. Their dedication to making the world a smaller and better place is truly inspiring. Join the movement and celebrate the future of global decentralized community building with Catalyze.

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