We all as crypto investors usually Dilute our Crypto holding In many parts :-

1. Earn 2. Spot 3. Future etc.

And for the spot holding They key HODL is used the most of times. But in The time where everybody is trying to make money is just Hodling Enough.?

The answer should be NO đŸš«

Only holding and waiting for higher price or only holding stablecoin and waiting for dip is just like putting your money to rest.

SO it would be best to use BINANCE DUAL INVESTMENT 💰

Binance dual investment is one of the best crypto product out there

offering :-

1. High APR ⏫

2. Wide coin range to invest đŸȘ™

3. Higher rewards compared to other crypto products. 🎁

Now you would be excited what exactly Dual investment do ?

Here is the answer :-

Dual investment helps to Either buy low or sell high If you want to sell high You have to put in the amount of crypto asset you want to sell , Choose the price , settlement date and desired apr and you would now earn Apr on your holding Weather the price reaches the price selected by you or not , That’s cool right âšĄïž If Price reaches the price selected you would get the Apr + the amount you are supposed to get At the selected price in form of stablecoin that you had selected . If price doesn’t reaches you would of asset invested + The apr in form of invested asset.

Example :- Suppose i have 1 Btc and want to sell it @27500 Against the market price of 25000 lets suppose Apr @10% and settlement date 5 days afterward.

Apr would be 34$ aprx ( At assumed rate)

Reward :- one of the major reward beside ape reward is if the selling price is met your realised profit would be 1034$ in stablecoin that u have/had selected.

Risk :- If the market goes down from the current market price let’s say it goes to 24000$

Then Your unrealised lose would be 966$.

Same goes for buy low :- You select the amount that you want to invest in stablecoin and the asset that you want to purchase. If the price reaches the selected price point you will get asset ( That you had selected ) + The apr in the form of Asset. And if it stays above you will get the amount invested + The apr in Form of Stablecoin.

Let’s take an example :-

Suppose i have 25000$ and want to purchase 1 Btc with it Against the current market price of 26500 and my selected Apr is 10% and date of settlement is 5 days afterwards.

Now, If the price is met till settlement date. I will get 1 Btc + apr ( 34$ at the assumed rate ) in form of Btc

Reward included :- So Apr is the reward and also the reward would be If btc Goes up after purchas point the amount with which it grows above our selected price would be the reward too

Suppose btc touches 26k after purchasing then our unrealised profit would be 1000$+34$ = 1034$ In 5 days only .

Risk :- risk is also there suppose Btc goes To even lower points in the meantime Then it would be our loss

Suppose btc touches 24k on the settlement date so at the time of unlocking your unrealised lose would be 966$ aprx .

It’s That easy 😊 Although it has it’s own risk as explained above still it’s a tremendous product for

1. Hodlers

2. Miners who want to sell there mined product

3. High net worth individuals

So what are you waiting for go try The binance Dual investment nowww đŸƒđŸŸ

Please like and for any query Comment


#Binance #dualinvestment