Listen to the forest. Communities are calling by your name. Dont let their call be unheard.


Hi, The lawyer is back with some talk. It seems you’re allowed to talk your mind here, as long as you don’t get too crazy.

Trump is going to win the election. He basically just promised there will be no central bank crafting digital central currencies. Exactly what we needed.

This is exaaaactly what the $BTC needs.

He (Trump) looks like an $ADA Holder from miles. You can bet he’s full of crypto.

The #ADA coin has recently caught my attention. It feels exactly like walking past by a sleeping dragon who slumbers deeply and is calmly falling each time more and more profoundly to its own volitions.

Will you offer sacrifice to the dragon? Or do you believe you fight it?

Cardano needs support. And this is how it’s gonna get it. You better be prepared. Don’t Long carelessly, but accumulate.

This type of descending triangular formation that already has broken up ( ‼️ ) targets amazingly at over the 6 dollars mark when you’re being conservative. Look I know this appears to be extremely far fetched, but I’m here to help you become rich and this is amazing.

Long life the ADA.

Imaginary Lawyer out!! ggs