🚀 **Big News for Terra Community!** 🌐

Exciting updates from the Cosmos-based blockchain protocol, Terra! The bankruptcy court has given the green light for Terraform Labs (TFL) to reopen the Shuttle bridge, allowing users to redeem wrapped assets on Terra Classic. This comes as part of TFL’s Chapter 11 case, which also includes undelegating and burning 150 million LUNA tokens received from the Terra Community Grant.

đŸ”č **Key Points:**

- Shuttle bridge will be open for 30 days post-Chapter 11 plan approval.

- TFL will transfer assets to more secure wallets.

- 125 million LUNA tokens staked with validators will be undelegated and burned.

Stay tuned for more updates and let us know your thoughts in the comments! 💬

#Terra #LUNA #CryptoNews #Blockchain