Happy #WorldEmojiDay! Here’s my #EmojiWay to define #SocialMining: 🌐👥⛏️💎🤝🚀"


1. 🌐 (Globe): Represents global connectivity and the expansive reach of social networks and communities involved in Social Mining.

2. 👥 (People Holding Hands): Signifies collaboration, community, and collective effort in Social Mining.

3. ⛏️ (Pick): Represents mining, which metaphorically translates to the process of contributing effort or resources in exchange for rewards within a decentralized network.

4. 💎 (Gemstone): Symbolizes rewards, benefits, or tokens earned through Social Mining efforts.

5. 🤝 (Handshake): Represents trust, transparency, and mutual agreements within the Social Mining framework.

6. 🚀 (Rocket): Symbolizes growth, progress, and the potential for innovation and advancement through Social Mining.

Each emoji in the sequence is strategically placed to sequentially convey the process and essence of Social Mining.