Ok so i created a square account to try and help people.

I was screaming to buy at the lows. Saying the risk is higher going short.

Alot went short. Some even 100x leverage.

Now we are up. The same people are asking what to do with their positions with -900%. 😂

Idk. i dont have a crystal ball to answer your question. Because you let greed control you and no matter what i say you wont listen.

The moment we go up i will tell you to sell and you will buy and the same thing will happen all over again.

Being greedy is the worst thing you can do in crypto. Literally the market will eat you alive.

You dont have to be a genius to be profitable. You simply have to buy when over sold and sell when overbought. Nothing in between. Anything in between is gambling if you dot know what you are doing.

Take this time to reflect. If you still have capital dont go all in with a praying hoping god will help you with luck. God has nothing to do with this. Its your decisions thats ruining you.

If you cannot control your greed then get out of crypto. You have a better chance at the casino.