$BTC reached the target from bullish divergence! What's next?

If we assume this movement (white circle in the chart) is a deviation then the target is the top range (73.8k) the last time we had a deviation we reached 72.1k (green circle in the chart) We might see a pullback along the way, don't get scared adjust your stop losses, and always follow your plan.


如果我们假设这个走势(图表中的白色圆圈)是一个偏差,那么目标是上次我们达到 72.1k 偏差时的顶部范围(73.8k)(图表中的绿色圆圈),我们可能会看到回调顺便说一句,不要害怕调整止损,并始终遵循您的计划。