Today $TIA popped up to me as the token with 5th best sentiment on Twitter. The question is why? I thought modularity narrative is behind us.

Chart is primed for a breakout and the main reason...there is a huge investor unlock in 112 days šŸ¤”

What a good time to start shilling your own bags.


1) Breakout

2) Continual support for the next months

3) Short squeeze before the unlock

4) Profit

Simple right?

In the case $TIA will be strong in the upcoming weeks I'll probably get into $VDO (@validaoxyz) again (good fundamental project - validator with $20 mil. in $TIA staked) but with aggresive TPs once $TIA gets into some stronger resistance.

Main resistances to watch for $TIA are atm around $12, $16 and $21: