#Friday_Crypto_Share #BullishByte

We are bullish $BOME $LEVER & $BB

And watching if RSR will paint candles becoming of bullish #EtheruemETF vibes.

The Germans have been behaving badly and in rather unfriendly fashion to the world of crypto yet so many crypto projects have benefited Germany's economy by way of Switzerland. Not nice. They need to learn to play nice with the other kids.

Mt. Gox is priced in but those pesky Germans. Anyway... #BTC in usual fashion is not to be rushed nor outdone and seems to be holding out either for a weekend rally🙄 or for the likely JuÄșy 18th #Ethereum_ETFs_Expected_Date

The anticipated Ethereum ETF driven bull run could go crack fizzle pope... sputter... poof if Ethereum remains sub USD4k since, unlike BTC which has buy-the-dip frenzies, Ethereum more a "swarm of FOMO" crypto. Take care and remember your 1% and 0.1% rule while applying effective entry techniques and prioritizing capital preservation.