$MDX /USDT Technical Analysis

Price Overview

Current Price: $0.03441 (+27.54%)

Trading Data

- 24h High: $0.04072

- 24h Low: $0.02697

- 24h Volume (MDX): 383.91M

- 24h Volume (USDT): 13.45M

Moving Averages

- MA(7): $0.03448

- MA(25): $0.03394

- MA(99): $0.02938

Depth Analysis

- Recent High: $0.04072

- Recent Low: $0.03102

- MANCH: -0.02653 to 0.02582

Monitoring & Insights

- MDX is currently showing significant upward momentum.

- Short-term investors should watch the 15m and 1h charts for quick gains.

- Long-term holders may find value in the consistent growth indicated by the MA(99).

Gainer of the Day!

Keep an eye on MDX as it continues to trend upwards.

Stay updated for more insights and trade smart!

#Crypto #MDX #TechnicalAnalysis #CryptoMarket #Binance