Sanctum will officially launch CLOUD tokens on July 18 and open airdrop applications

PANews reported on July 11 that according to official news from Sanctum, Solana Ecosystem LST liquidity aggregation protocol Sanctum will hold a week-long special event from July 15 to 19 to welcome the release of $CLOUD. A survival guide for the $CLOUD launch process will be provided on Monday. A special conference call "Liftoff: CLOUD" will be held in cooperation with JupiterExchange at 15:30 (UTC time) on Tuesday. At the same time, the LFG website will be launched, and users can view airdrop allocations, purchase $CLOUD in advance, and lock positions. $CLOUD will be officially released on July 18, and users can claim rewards and start trading. A special CLOUD party will be held on July 19.

As previously reported, Sanctum announced the economics of the CLOUD token: 10% of the token supply was allocated in the initial airdrop, and 5% each was allocated to Wonderland XP and Earnestness.