
😁ZK/USDT Analysis: Last 4 HoursOver the past four hours, the ZK/USDT trading pair has demonstrated significant volatility, indicative of active trading dynamics. Initially, ZK/USDT began with a bullish trend, reaching a peak of $X.XX. 🙃This upward movement was driven by robust trading volume and positive market sentiment, reflecting strong buyer interest in the asset.However, encountering resistance at the $X.XX level prompted a shift in sentiment, leading to a swift downturn. The price retraced sharply to a low of $X.XX, as profit-taking and increased selling pressure emerged.🥰 This downward movement was underscored by technical indicators, with the Relative Strength Index (RSI) showing signs of bearish divergence and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) confirming a bearish crossover.$ZK 😂