Exciting News! Haqq Academy Season 1 Starts December 12th!!

The Haqq Academy Season 1 program starts on December 12. This educational program teaches the basics of cryptocurrency concepts through the perspective of Islamic finance principles.

There will be 19 lessons covering different topics relevant for Muslims who want to learn about crypto in a way that aligns with their faith. Lessons provide insightful knowledge about blockchain technology, trading, Islamic coin ISLM, and more.

Learners who complete all 19 lessons and graduate from Haqq Academy will receive a special NFT certificate. This recognizes your improved understanding of crypto and Islamic finance.

The Haqq Academy lessons aim to benefit the Muslim community by creating more awareness about how crypto can work according to Islamic laws.

Sign up on the Islamic Coin website to enroll in Haqq Academy starting December 12 and be part of Season 1. This is an exciting chance for Muslims to upskill themselves in crypto and blockchain through an Islamic educational lens.

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