Here are 9 trading tips for daily cryptocurrency trading:

1. *Set clear goals*: Define your profit targets and risk tolerance before starting your trading day.

2. *Stay informed*: Stay up-to-date with market news, trends, and analysis to make informed decisions.

3. *Use technical analysis*: Utilize charts and indicators to identify patterns and potential trading opportunities.

4. *Manage risk*: Use stop-loss orders and position sizing to limit potential losses.

5. *Diversify*: Trade multiple assets to minimize exposure to any one market.

6. *Stay disciplined*: Avoid impulsive decisions based on emotions.

7. *Monitor market sentiment*: Keep an eye on market sentiment and adjust your strategy accordingly.

8. *Take profits*: Don't get greedy; take profits when you reach your targets.

9. *Learn from mistakes*: Analyze your losses and adjust your strategy to improve future trades.

Remember, trading cryptocurrency is high-risk, high-reward. Always prioritize risk management and discipline.