WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, recently released from a UK prison, has long been a proponent of cryptocurrencies, citing them as instrumental in his global fundraising campaigns. In a 2014 video, Assange lauded Bitcoin as the "most interesting intellectual development on the internet" since 2009, highlighting its cryptographic backing and multi-jurisdictional nature.

He emphasized Bitcoin's ability to resist manipulation by any single power group, and its potential to support global humanitarian movements. Assange also pointed out Bitcoin's capacity to "defend itself or the people who use it against even the full might of a superpower."

Assange further underscored the importance of Bitcoin's underlying technology, proof of publication, which he believes can "break Orwell’s dictum" arguing that "he who controls the present controls the past." Indeed, Bitcoin has been used to bypass sanctions and raise funds when traditional platforms were blocked, as seen in the Canadian Trucker convoy protest and Assange's own fundraising efforts.

This news underscores the growing recognition of the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies, particularly in challenging traditional power structures and fostering global connectivity.