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日线图上看,大饼虽然走出反弹 但力度也不是很大,上方也并未出现破位, 属于正常支撑后反弹,前面空头太多 这里也是需要收割一波,大饼这波反弹上方压力区间在60200-62300, 预计到达反弹目标后,行情会再度开始走出回调,短线交易上现在就需要换个思路了,就不能再去继续做空了,交易上回调做多为主,下方推荐布局点位55500附近,如不能给到进场机会,就关注57400站稳情况直接去追涨,目标就是60000上方,到达目标后根据走势再去做空单的布局,自行把握进场机会;短线交易,控制风险,盈亏自理。 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 想了解更多币圈的相关知识,点击头像关注我,看我主页简介,免费指导


#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 想了解更多币圈的相关知识,点击头像关注我,看我主页简介,免费指导
九月降息已成定局 实际上,在九月份之前,我一直不相信美元会降息,很实际的一个问题就是美元降息之后,释放出来的美元会流向哪里? 解决不了这个问题,美国的通胀会随降息而暴涨! 一、美国的通胀主要是印刷货币的行为,就是货币印多了,没处流放,倒流回美国导致了美国的通胀节节高升。对于这种现象利率低了是没有意义的。 当然,美国不会为全球经济衰退买单,美元利息的涨跌主要的是为了美国利益,为了更好的收割全球财富。 二、九月份之前不看好美国降息,最主要的问题就是没有解决降息后释放出来的美元,会如流水般流到哪个区域的问题。 因为美国释放出降息新号之后,日元加息,日元汇率随之上涨,实际上长得是很无厘头的,因为现在美元的利率大约是在5.25左右,日本央行加息0.25,和美元的利率相差了20多倍,日元为什么会汇率暴涨呢? 说白了,日元并不喜欢、不欢迎释放出来的美元流通到日本去。日本不想被收割! 美元被日本拒绝之后,如果找不到美元的泄洪区,美元降息之后通胀会随之暴涨。进👗➕:kiooo1026 三、现在好像看到美元泄洪区了! 此时美元汇率不能过低,并且资产要够多,且在底部。能够容纳释放出来的天量美元。 所以,美元降息的概率正无限加大! #以太坊基金会 #美国经济软着陆? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?








#以太坊基金会 #美国经济软着陆? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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Monday, Bitcoin, Ethereum afternoon view analysis In the early hours of the morning, Bitcoin once stretched to the $58,000 area, which is also related to the market's optimism about the expectation of interest rate cuts. This stretch also exceeded many people's expectations. This sharp rise is usually called a squeeze rise. The price of the currency breaking through the resistance level means that the upward channel is opened, so you can follow the trend and enter the market in the afternoon. From a technical point of view, Bitcoin's three consecutive positive daily lines formed a small rise in the box range. At present, the price is suppressed by resistance and has fluctuated downward, but the decline is not large and is still in the normal adjustment range. As long as the price can step back and confirm the support, it is expected to rise again. Monday afternoon suggestion BTC around 56,000-56,500, target 58,000-59,000 ETH around 2300-2320, target around 2400-2450 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 If you want to know more about the cryptocurrency circle, click on the avatar to follow me, see my homepage profile, and get free guidance
Monday, Bitcoin, Ethereum afternoon view analysis

In the early hours of the morning, Bitcoin once stretched to the $58,000 area, which is also related to the market's optimism about the expectation of interest rate cuts. This stretch also exceeded many people's expectations. This sharp rise is usually called a squeeze rise. The price of the currency breaking through the resistance level means that the upward channel is opened, so you can follow the trend and enter the market in the afternoon.

From a technical point of view, Bitcoin's three consecutive positive daily lines formed a small rise in the box range. At present, the price is suppressed by resistance and has fluctuated downward, but the decline is not large and is still in the normal adjustment range. As long as the price can step back and confirm the support, it is expected to rise again.

Monday afternoon suggestion

BTC around 56,000-56,500, target 58,000-59,000

ETH around 2300-2320, target around 2400-2450
#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会
If you want to know more about the cryptocurrency circle, click on the avatar to follow me, see my homepage profile, and get free guidance
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It is expected that the interest rate will be cut on the 19th, and there are still 10 days left, but many people have already felt that they can't hold on, and many funds have run out. I suggest that investors with limited funds reduce operations, especially those who do not have additional sources of funds. It is best not to borrow money for investment, which is a bottomless pit. Recently, a super whale has appeared. Since August 26, it has traded 500 bitcoins each time, and has purchased 12,500 bitcoins as of September 7. According to my rough calculation, the average price is US$58,000, and a total of US$725 million is required. The big players are buying the bottom, and most of the current big player position data show that funds are flowing in, while ETFs and retail chips are continuously flowing out. It is expected that before the interest rate cut, Bitcoin may have a tentative bottom around 48,000 points. The overall market situation is still in a weak period of washing. This year's trend basically replicated last year's situation. After peaking in March, it has been falling all the way without obvious respite. In the past week, the market has fallen by several percentage points every day. Last year, the market fell for 6 months before rebounding, and this year it has fallen for 6 months so far. Although the interest rate cut in September is nominally positive, the capital market usually reacts according to the actual situation after the positive impact is implemented. At present, the US stock market has responded to the interest rate cut in advance, showing a trend of falling and correcting. Personally, I thought that the US stock market might have a small adjustment (in my system, a small adjustment refers to within 10-15%, and the Nasdaq may have a larger adjustment), but the current adjustment range does not seem to be in place. Even if we refer to the adjustments before and after the first interest rate cuts in 2019 and 1995 (about two months in 2019 and about three months in 1995), the adjustment time of the US stock market from the high point in mid-July to now is only one and a half months. Enter 👗➕: kiooo1026 In addition, the situation of this year's election is very complicated, and it is reasonable for funds not to enter the market in a big way before the results are clear. Before the final adjustment is in place, the market is expected to have repeated changes, because although the market expects a recession, the essence of the recession has not yet been confirmed, and it is normal for the subsequent situation to be dispelled. Before and after the interest rate cut, the market trend may also be affected by the election situation. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊基金会
It is expected that the interest rate will be cut on the 19th, and there are still 10 days left, but many people have already felt that they can't hold on, and many funds have run out. I suggest that investors with limited funds reduce operations, especially those who do not have additional sources of funds. It is best not to borrow money for investment, which is a bottomless pit.

Recently, a super whale has appeared. Since August 26, it has traded 500 bitcoins each time, and has purchased 12,500 bitcoins as of September 7. According to my rough calculation, the average price is US$58,000, and a total of US$725 million is required. The big players are buying the bottom, and most of the current big player position data show that funds are flowing in, while ETFs and retail chips are continuously flowing out. It is expected that before the interest rate cut, Bitcoin may have a tentative bottom around 48,000 points. The overall market situation is still in a weak period of washing.

This year's trend basically replicated last year's situation. After peaking in March, it has been falling all the way without obvious respite. In the past week, the market has fallen by several percentage points every day. Last year, the market fell for 6 months before rebounding, and this year it has fallen for 6 months so far. Although the interest rate cut in September is nominally positive, the capital market usually reacts according to the actual situation after the positive impact is implemented. At present, the US stock market has responded to the interest rate cut in advance, showing a trend of falling and correcting.

Personally, I thought that the US stock market might have a small adjustment (in my system, a small adjustment refers to within 10-15%, and the Nasdaq may have a larger adjustment), but the current adjustment range does not seem to be in place.

Even if we refer to the adjustments before and after the first interest rate cuts in 2019 and 1995 (about two months in 2019 and about three months in 1995), the adjustment time of the US stock market from the high point in mid-July to now is only one and a half months. Enter 👗➕: kiooo1026

In addition, the situation of this year's election is very complicated, and it is reasonable for funds not to enter the market in a big way before the results are clear.

Before the final adjustment is in place, the market is expected to have repeated changes, because although the market expects a recession, the essence of the recession has not yet been confirmed, and it is normal for the subsequent situation to be dispelled.
Before and after the interest rate cut, the market trend may also be affected by the election situation. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊基金会
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As the bull market enters the second half, how to invest in copycats? Here are three ideas: 1. Wall Street ideas: Keywords: Profitability, compliance Features: Projects with clear business models, good profitability, and good compliance may be preferred projects for Wall Street funds, with DeFi and RWA being typical representatives. 2. Retail ideas: Keywords: Fairness, Emotion Features: The issuance method is more fair, expressing dissatisfaction with VC and institutions, with inscriptions and MEME being typical representatives. 3. Innovative ideas: Keywords: Major innovation, unprecedented model Features: With major technological or application innovations, it is possible to change the new model and new track of the industry, such as inscriptions and social networking are typical representatives. The first type is more stable and has a high probability of completing the entire bull market; the second type has strong explosive power, high returns and high risks, and strong mobility; the third type has strong explosive power, high uncertainty, and may be falsified, becoming the target of capital speculation and harvesting #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #以太坊基金会 #美国经济软着陆? If you want to know more about the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me, see my homepage introduction, and get free guidance
As the bull market enters the second half, how to invest in copycats? Here are three ideas:

1. Wall Street ideas:

Keywords: Profitability, compliance
Features: Projects with clear business models, good profitability, and good compliance may be preferred projects for Wall Street funds, with DeFi and RWA being typical representatives.

2. Retail ideas:

Keywords: Fairness, Emotion
Features: The issuance method is more fair, expressing dissatisfaction with VC and institutions, with inscriptions and MEME being typical representatives.

3. Innovative ideas:

Keywords: Major innovation, unprecedented model
Features: With major technological or application innovations, it is possible to change the new model and new track of the industry, such as inscriptions and social networking are typical representatives.

The first type is more stable and has a high probability of completing the entire bull market; the second type has strong explosive power, high returns and high risks, and strong mobility; the third type has strong explosive power, high uncertainty, and may be falsified, becoming the target of capital speculation and harvesting

#美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #以太坊基金会 #美国经济软着陆? If you want to know more about the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me, see my homepage introduction, and get free guidance
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Big Pancake Auntie went up and then fell back, encountering the four-hour 60-day moving average of 56700 support! Shock is accumulating momentum, early shorts wait patiently! ​​​​ #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会
Big Pancake Auntie went up and then fell back, encountering the four-hour 60-day moving average of 56700 support!
Shock is accumulating momentum, early shorts wait patiently! ​​​​

#美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会
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The market review and analysis on September 10 are as follows: BTC has a slight deviation in the short term, but the overall trend is still correct. In the early morning, BTC hit a strong resistance level of $58,000, which is a key point. Yesterday's prediction was that BTC would not break through $56,500, but the actual situation showed that this position was broken through and reached the expected target. Due to the large number of live viewers yesterday, the live broadcast time was only one hour. Ethereum (ETH) hit a high of $2,380 near the moment position, and the overall market performance was in line with expectations. This short-term operation of Ethereum has certain opportunities, but the support point at the $58,000 line is also more critical. It has been mentioned in the live broadcast that the upper space is divided into two oscillation ranges of $58,000-60,000, so the current trend is bearish and it is expected that the market may fall further. From the BTC four-hour level, the current pin market is at a strong resistance position of $58,000. If the market falls back, the intraday support point will initially focus on $55,600-56,000. The support level is around $58,000. If it breaks through, the new support level may be in the $57,600-58,000 range. Enter 👗➕: kiooo1026 In the short term, the BTC price will not rise again. The effective support level during the day is recommended to be around $54,000. The rebound space should not be overly optimistic, because the rebound may not be as significant as ETH. Overall, the price fluctuation range of the big cake is large, but the price fluctuation of the second cake is relatively small. The intraday support level is recommended to pay attention to $2,280, and pay attention to the effective support in the $2,200-2,240 range. #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期
The market review and analysis on September 10 are as follows:
BTC has a slight deviation in the short term, but the overall trend is still correct. In the early morning, BTC hit a strong resistance level of $58,000, which is a key point. Yesterday's prediction was that BTC would not break through $56,500, but the actual situation showed that this position was broken through and reached the expected target.

Due to the large number of live viewers yesterday, the live broadcast time was only one hour. Ethereum (ETH) hit a high of $2,380 near the moment position, and the overall market performance was in line with expectations. This short-term operation of Ethereum has certain opportunities, but the support point at the $58,000 line is also more critical. It has been mentioned in the live broadcast that the upper space is divided into two oscillation ranges of $58,000-60,000, so the current trend is bearish and it is expected that the market may fall further.

From the BTC four-hour level, the current pin market is at a strong resistance position of $58,000. If the market falls back, the intraday support point will initially focus on $55,600-56,000. The support level is around $58,000. If it breaks through, the new support level may be in the $57,600-58,000 range. Enter 👗➕: kiooo1026

In the short term, the BTC price will not rise again. The effective support level during the day is recommended to be around $54,000. The rebound space should not be overly optimistic, because the rebound may not be as significant as ETH. Overall, the price fluctuation range of the big cake is large, but the price fluctuation of the second cake is relatively small. The intraday support level is recommended to pay attention to $2,280, and pay attention to the effective support in the $2,200-2,240 range. #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期
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$SOL 's trend is much weaker than most people expected. During the last wave of rebound, some panic funds poured into the SOL ecosystem, resulting in heavy capital holdings and greater pressure. The market has a characteristic: when most people are optimistic, it is often accompanied by the risk of washing. Therefore, at this stage, we need to be vigilant about potential callbacks or shocks. #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 If you want to know more about the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me, see my homepage introduction, and get free guidance
$SOL 's trend is much weaker than most people expected. During the last wave of rebound, some panic funds poured into the SOL ecosystem, resulting in heavy capital holdings and greater pressure.

The market has a characteristic: when most people are optimistic, it is often accompanied by the risk of washing. Therefore, at this stage, we need to be vigilant about potential callbacks or shocks.

#美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 If you want to know more about the currency circle, click on the avatar to follow me, see my homepage introduction, and get free guidance
当前大家关心的主要问题是:降息会不会带来上涨,疯牛市什么时候开始? 先说说我对当前行情的看法。根据以往的经验,降息的预期往往被过度炒作。热预期变成冷事实的情况类似于去年的比特币ETF和今年的减半行情。因此,降息的影响也类似。 当降息真正落地时,不论是市场情绪还是资金流动,肯定会对币圈形成推动作用,但这并不是疯牛市的开始。大概率只会引发一波短暂的上涨,之后可能会回落。进👗➕:kiooo1026 疯牛市的到来,或许要等到特朗普重新上台。他可能会推出一系列刺激消费的政策,这对加密市场的预期也有望推动币圈进入更大的发展阶段。 #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期




#美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期
巴菲特历史上两次成功的逃顶 第一次是1970年,全面清仓,甚至是注销了投资公司。三年后成功躲过了美国大衰退! 第二次是08年金融危机之前,大幅减仓。第二年金融危机发生,完美操作 第三次是2024年二季度卖出770亿美金的股票,造成了日韩股市熔断。目前持有现金等价物2400多亿美金,绝大部分为几个月的短债,在短债持仓里超过了美联储的仓位,三四季度大概率还是会继续减仓。 那么这次巴菲特会不会再次成功? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期





#美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期
美联储利率决议现在进入倒计时,还有10天时间市场盼望已久的首轮降息就要启动了,现在看比较保险的判断是降25个基点,但不排除美联储猛 踩油门降50个基点。 本周三晚上20:30,美国8月CPI通胀数据,成为利率决议前最后一张拼图,虽然通胀基本上不会影响美联储降息的决心,无论这一次通胀是2.6%还是维持2.9%,现在美联储的注意力在就业市场。 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BNBChainMemeCoin
美联储利率决议现在进入倒计时,还有10天时间市场盼望已久的首轮降息就要启动了,现在看比较保险的判断是降25个基点,但不排除美联储猛 踩油门降50个基点。


#美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BNBChainMemeCoin
9月可能是抄底山寨的最佳时机 过去一年我全部押在大饼生态,又因没有在好的时机卖出而最终造成具大亏损 永远不要选单一赛道 NFT这种流动性极差的赛道一定要少玩 买入一个资产一定要选流动性好的 流动性好说明资金很看好 曾经我一直认大饼生态是最好的赛道 现在来看这个认知肯定是错的 接下来是牛中恢复到走向牛末 我坚信第四季度一定很不错 接下来的大牛市 我最看好AI及sol生态龙头 其次是大饼生态 进👗➕:kiooo1026 现在到处是meme,投meme一定要谨慎 大饼生态全是meme首选龙头 接下来是有实际应用的叙事会获得更高的赔率 接下来的几个月如果到了山寨季要记得跑 安全离场才是最后的赢家 #BTC走势分析 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期




其次是大饼生态 进👗➕:kiooo1026



#BTC走势分析 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期
在比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)经历深度回调并出现二次探底的背景下,以下这些山寨币龙头表现出了显著的抗跌能力! 铭文赛道的 SATS 人工智能(AI)赛道的 FET Layer2 赛道的 OP 和 STRK 去中心化金融(DeFi)赛道的 PENDLE、AAVE 和 UNI 这些代币在市场波动中展现了强劲的韧性,值得我们进一步关注!#美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #BTC走势分析 #BNBChainMemeCoin 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,点开我头像,关注,看我煮业简介进设区

铭文赛道的 SATS

人工智能(AI)赛道的 FET

Layer2 赛道的 OP 和 STRK

去中心化金融(DeFi)赛道的 PENDLE、AAVE 和 UNI

这些代币在市场波动中展现了强劲的韧性,值得我们进一步关注!#美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #BTC走势分析 #BNBChainMemeCoin 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,点开我头像,关注,看我煮业简介进设区
行情在运行的途中我们可以知道的是:止跌了 昨天晚上要跌没跌破,行情确实止跌了。 订单流压力支撑: 压力:55500附近 支撑:53800-54000附近 现在是 🦋 蝴蝶形态的谐波走势,市场存在大周期的反转需求。 今日或许还是处于震荡周期。 压力位置可空,向下空间不大 支撑位置可多,如果接到支撑位置的多单,我们直接看反转。下一个位置是59000附近。 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,点开我头像,关注,看我煮业简介进设区

#美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,点开我头像,关注,看我煮业简介进设区
现货推荐——BSW 在炒币市场中,往往表面上说主力在卖,但实际上他们已经开始寻找抄底机会了。 BSW自2022年最高点2.16美元以来一路下滑,目前历史最低价为0.0388美元。 自8月24日以来,BSW价格最高上涨了200%,之后回落至当前的0.0778美元,现价距底部仍有100%的潜在涨幅。进👗➕:kiooo1026 建议关注的抄底价格预期在0.06美元以下。考虑到市场周期,还可以耐心等待更合适的价格点。 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 #非农就业数据即将公布




#小非农增幅创3年多新低 #BTC走势分析 #非农就业数据即将公布
相信这波下跌有不少币友被爆,或者是没带止盈止损被套,在此免费分享解套策略。   对于解套的个人见解,希望能对各位币友有所帮助:      第一、根据手中的持仓情况:      1.若是浅度套单的币友,可以利用反弹行情解套出局,或者逢高减仓      2.若是深度套单的币友,可以做出逢高部分建仓操作或者补仓拉低均价,这样行情来临前就可以占据心理上的主动权。      第二、根据买入币的趋势状态      1.如果所买入的处于下跌趋势,一旦下行趋势确认,趋势已经形成,建议立刻止损,决不能有患得患失心存幻想。因为有时候任何迟疑和犹豫,后续都要可能出现深套,最后导致难以自拔。      2.如果所买入的币处在平衡震荡趋势中,也不必立即止损,耐心等待该币进入震荡循环高位,一旦解套或者损失很小的时候,应该果断离场出局。进👗➕:kiooo1026      3.如果所买入的币处在上升趋势,则不必止损,耐心地持有一段时间,必然会解套甚至还会有较大的盈利可能 #BTC走势分析 #非农就业数据即将公布 #小非农增幅创3年多新低 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,点开我头像,关注,看我煮业简介进设区

#BTC走势分析 #非农就业数据即将公布 #小非农增幅创3年多新低
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