Hello friends, another sign of a scammer. In the p2p chat, he pretends to be just an ordinary person, acting concerned as if he knows nothing. He writes his username on Telegram, saying he's new and doesn't understand, pretending to be poor, asking for help, teaching me through Telegram. He calls and teaches me through screen sharing, sending you a confirmation code to add your card number to another application. While the code is being transferred to another bank card, he disappears by himself. I ask you to be careful.
Fraudsters have developed a new scheme targeting cryptocurrency users prone to illegal activities. The perpetrators lure victims with false offers of assistance for newcomers in the cryptocurrency world. This was reported by the official website of "Kaspersky Lab". The essence of the scheme is as follows: in social networks or crypto chats, the fraudsters present themselves as newcomers and ask for help withdrawing funds from their wallet by providing a secret access phrase (seed-phrase). The victim, wanting to receive money, discovers that there are not enough funds to pay the fee. As a result, they transfer the necessary funds to another wallet, and the fraudsters take that money.
As reported by Kaspersky Lab analyst Mikhail Sytnik, the wallets used by the fraudsters require multiple signatures to confirm a transaction, making it impossible for the victim to withdraw funds even after paying the fee.
beware of p2p scammers sign of scammers fake check two friends open the same order the first pays, the second does not, presses what, paid next and waits to release the cryptocurrency, so you need to check the account!!!
#BTC USDT The situation has not changed, as before I expect a rollback, within the correction, with a subsequent update of the peaks, a breakout of 65000. When the price drops below 60000, the ascending structure will break, and it is more relevant to look for a short position. I still hold most of the BTC that I bought at 60470 (before the growth). What do you think?