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TON price falls 16% after Telegram CEO Pavel Durov arrested in FranceThe price of Bitcoin alternative Toncoin (TON) fell Sunday by 16% (as of the time of writing), following the arrest of TON founder, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Pavel Durov was arrested by French authorities after he landed during the weekend on a private jet at Le Bourget Airport, just north of Paris. Mr. Durov, a native of Russia who resides in the UAE and also holds French citizenship, was arrested under a warrant relating to supposed offenses connected to his Telegram app. Specifically, Telegram is accused of being much less moderated than other messaging apps and social networks, allowing for the proliferation of illegal activity such as drug trafficking, child pornography, terrorism, and fraud to be organized on Telegram. Mr. Durov and Telegram are also accused of refusing to cooperate with authorities to help stop criminal activity on Telegram. According to crypto price data, charting and info site Coinmarketcap, TON was down about 16% as of 12:00 GMT Sunday, trading at about $5.67 versus the $6.75-6.80 range late Saturday. TON is the native cryptocurrency of the decentralized layer-1 blockchain The Open Network (or TON), but was originally named Telegram Open Network. TON is not directly related any more to Telegram – in 2020, Pavel Durov announced the end of Telegram’s involvement with the TON Blockchain, following a court order by the SEC. However Telegram uses the TON blockchain, and its popularity (with a market cap above $14 billion) remains tied to Telegram. Elon Musk, who among other things runs rival social media platform X (formerly Twitter), tweeted out #FreePavel in support of his competitor. #TelegramCEO #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions #MtGoxRepayments

TON price falls 16% after Telegram CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France

The price of Bitcoin alternative Toncoin (TON) fell Sunday by 16% (as of the time of writing), following the arrest of TON founder, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.
Pavel Durov was arrested by French authorities after he landed during the weekend on a private jet at Le Bourget Airport, just north of Paris. Mr. Durov, a native of Russia who resides in the UAE and also holds French citizenship, was arrested under a warrant relating to supposed offenses connected to his Telegram app.
Specifically, Telegram is accused of being much less moderated than other messaging apps and social networks, allowing for the proliferation of illegal activity such as drug trafficking, child pornography, terrorism, and fraud to be organized on Telegram. Mr. Durov and Telegram are also accused of refusing to cooperate with authorities to help stop criminal activity on Telegram.
According to crypto price data, charting and info site Coinmarketcap, TON was down about 16% as of 12:00 GMT Sunday, trading at about $5.67 versus the $6.75-6.80 range late Saturday. TON is the native cryptocurrency of the decentralized layer-1 blockchain The Open Network (or TON), but was originally named Telegram Open Network. TON is not directly related any more to Telegram – in 2020, Pavel Durov announced the end of Telegram’s involvement with the TON Blockchain, following a court order by the SEC. However Telegram uses the TON blockchain, and its popularity (with a market cap above $14 billion) remains tied to Telegram.
Elon Musk, who among other things runs rival social media platform X (formerly Twitter), tweeted out #FreePavel in support of his competitor.
#TelegramCEO #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #CryptoMarketMoves #BlackRockETHOptions #MtGoxRepayments
SOL, FET, RENDER: Top cryptocurrencies to watch this weekSolana reclaims $160 Last week, Solana SOL 0.63% Solana surged 12%, reclaiming the $160 level and peaking at a two-week high of $162 on Aug. 24 despite setbacks in its ETF product. After closing the week strong, SOL has now pulled back to $157.17. However, Solana remains above the 200-day EMA at $140.12, signaling ongoing bullish momentum. This week, SOL needs to hold above the 200-day EMA to sustain the ongoing upward trend.  Meanwhile, the Chande Kroll Stop indicators place the Stop Long at $145.22 and the Stop Short at $153.18. Maintaining above $153.18 is key for further gains, as a breach could lead to a bearish reversal. This week, investors should watch for a retest of the $160 and $162 resistance zones or a decline toward key support at $153.18. FET spikes 50% FET-0.84% Artificial Superintelligence Alliance closed last week as one of the top gainers, spiking 50% and reclaiming the $1 level. On Aug. 24, FET reached a monthly peak of $1.3 but has since retraced to $1.249. FET currently trades above the 50-day EMA ($1.108), signaling midterm bullish momentum. However, it remains below the 200-day EMA ($1.766), indicating lingering long-term bearish sentiment.  FET’s immediate resistance points this week are at $1.447 and $1.565, with strong support at $1.063 and $0.945, with a pivot level of $1.255. A break above the resistance could target the 200-day EMA, while failing to hold support would lead to a drop below the 50-day EMA. RENDER breaches upper Bollinger Band Render RENDER 2.38% Render saw a 37% rise last week, reclaiming the $6 level for the first time this month.  Currently trading at $6.153, RENDER is comfortably above the Upper Bollinger Band ($5.894), which often signals overbought conditions. This suggests a potential pullback or consolidation might be on the horizon. However, the strong trend indicated by the ADX at 33.25 supports the idea of sustained upward momentum. The asset maintains a bullish bias with the +DI at 28.35 and -DI at 16.63.  If the current momentum holds this week, Render could aim for higher targets around $6.5 and potentially $7.0. Nonetheless, a dip below the Upper Band might lead to a retest of the 21-day moving average ($4.875).

SOL, FET, RENDER: Top cryptocurrencies to watch this week

Solana reclaims $160
Last week, Solana SOL 0.63% Solana surged 12%, reclaiming the $160 level and peaking at a two-week high of $162 on Aug. 24 despite setbacks in its ETF product. After closing the week strong, SOL has now pulled back to $157.17.
However, Solana remains above the 200-day EMA at $140.12, signaling ongoing bullish momentum. This week, SOL needs to hold above the 200-day EMA to sustain the ongoing upward trend. 
Meanwhile, the Chande Kroll Stop indicators place the Stop Long at $145.22 and the Stop Short at $153.18. Maintaining above $153.18 is key for further gains, as a breach could lead to a bearish reversal.
This week, investors should watch for a retest of the $160 and $162 resistance zones or a decline toward key support at $153.18.
FET spikes 50% FET-0.84% Artificial Superintelligence Alliance closed last week as one of the top gainers, spiking 50% and reclaiming the $1 level. On Aug. 24, FET reached a monthly peak of $1.3 but has since retraced to $1.249.
FET currently trades above the 50-day EMA ($1.108), signaling midterm bullish momentum. However, it remains below the 200-day EMA ($1.766), indicating lingering long-term bearish sentiment. 
FET’s immediate resistance points this week are at $1.447 and $1.565, with strong support at $1.063 and $0.945, with a pivot level of $1.255. A break above the resistance could target the 200-day EMA, while failing to hold support would lead to a drop below the 50-day EMA.
RENDER breaches upper Bollinger Band
Render RENDER 2.38% Render saw a 37% rise last week, reclaiming the $6 level for the first time this month. 
Currently trading at $6.153, RENDER is comfortably above the Upper Bollinger Band ($5.894), which often signals overbought conditions. This suggests a potential pullback or consolidation might be on the horizon.
However, the strong trend indicated by the ADX at 33.25 supports the idea of sustained upward momentum. The asset maintains a bullish bias with the +DI at 28.35 and -DI at 16.63. 
If the current momentum holds this week, Render could aim for higher targets around $6.5 and potentially $7.0.
Nonetheless, a dip below the Upper Band might lead to a retest of the 21-day moving average ($4.875).
Which Crypto can make you Rich in 2025 ?[Click Vote and follow]( List of the crypto that can make you rich in 2025 :  EarthMeta – AI-driven metaverse platform.Artemis – Decentralized marketplace for global trade on blockchain.Mega Dice – Blockchain-integrated global crypto casino with $DICE token.SpacePay – Fintech startup enabling crypto payments through Android POS.5th Scape – VR ecosystem for gaming, entertainment, and education with 5SCAPE token.Poodlana – Luxury-focused DeFi project on Solana blockchain.Zephyr – AI-powered decentralized prediction market on Solana.Memereum – Blockchain-based insurance platform with high-yield staking.OPZ – Self-custodial wallet platform with KeyFusion protocol and OPZ token.CYBRO – Earn marketplace for yield farming on Blast Layer 2 blockchain.DTX Exchange – Versatile investment platform for crypto, equities, and forex.Race to a Billion – Gamified wealth accumulation project integrating various financial instruments.Arkenstone – Blockchain project offering gold-backed cryptocurrency ARKN.

Which Crypto can make you Rich in 2025 ?

Click Vote and follow
List of the crypto that can make you rich in 2025 : 
EarthMeta – AI-driven metaverse platform.Artemis – Decentralized marketplace for global trade on blockchain.Mega Dice – Blockchain-integrated global crypto casino with $DICE token.SpacePay – Fintech startup enabling crypto payments through Android POS.5th Scape – VR ecosystem for gaming, entertainment, and education with 5SCAPE token.Poodlana – Luxury-focused DeFi project on Solana blockchain.Zephyr – AI-powered decentralized prediction market on Solana.Memereum – Blockchain-based insurance platform with high-yield staking.OPZ – Self-custodial wallet platform with KeyFusion protocol and OPZ token.CYBRO – Earn marketplace for yield farming on Blast Layer 2 blockchain.DTX Exchange – Versatile investment platform for crypto, equities, and forex.Race to a Billion – Gamified wealth accumulation project integrating various financial instruments.Arkenstone – Blockchain project offering gold-backed cryptocurrency ARKN.
After $DOGE , $SHIB ,$PEPE WHO IS NEXT #100x #memecoin IN NEXT #bullrun ???
After $DOGE , $SHIB ,$PEPE

WHO IS NEXT #100x #memecoin IN NEXT #bullrun ???
One memecoin to retire me. Name it now.
One memecoin to retire me.
Name it now.
LUNA Classic Price Prediction 2024Terra is one of the fastest-growing ecosystems, and LUNA is a central notion in its network. LUNA could keep going up to a maximum price, as there is a massive market for Terra LUNA coins. With the need to sustain Terra token values balanced. After revamping the entire world network of payments. LUNA pricing could set out on a journey to leave a significant mark in this crypto industry. In such an optimistic case, the price of Terra LUNA could surge to its potential high of $0.72.  On the flip side, an ebbing stance in the business, followed by negative criticism and falling volumes could sink the price to $0.30. That said, a balance in buying and selling pressures could settle the price of the altcoin at $0.51 $LUNC #BecomeCreator #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #TelegramCEO

LUNA Classic Price Prediction 2024

Terra is one of the fastest-growing ecosystems, and LUNA is a central notion in its network. LUNA could keep going up to a maximum price, as there is a massive market for Terra LUNA coins. With the need to sustain Terra token values balanced.
After revamping the entire world network of payments. LUNA pricing could set out on a journey to leave a significant mark in this crypto industry. In such an optimistic case, the price of Terra LUNA could surge to its potential high of $0.72. 
On the flip side, an ebbing stance in the business, followed by negative criticism and falling volumes could sink the price to $0.30. That said, a balance in buying and selling pressures could settle the price of the altcoin at $0.51 $LUNC #BecomeCreator #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #TelegramCEO
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Elon Musk posted this on X Look at the shiba inu dog It’s clear he supports Dogecoin $DOGE
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Which meme coin will reach $1? Dogecoin is the most likely meme coin to reach $1 first. $DOGE 🚀🚀🚀
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Dogecoin is the most likely meme coin to reach $1 first. $DOGE 🚀🚀🚀
Can $LUNC get to 10 cents?
Can $LUNC get to 10 cents?
158 votes ‱ Voting closed
Will Luna Classic reach $10? Obstacles on the Path to $10 Several factors make the $10 dream seem distant: Massive Supply: LUNC suffers from a bloated supply of over 6.5 trillion tokens. While a burn mechanism exists, its effectiveness is debatable, raising concerns about significant price appreciation with such a vast supply. Tarnished Reputation: The Terra ecosystem crash significantly damaged trust and investor confidence. Regaining that trust and attracting new investors will be an uphill battle. Competition: LUNC faces intense competition from established and innovative projects in the cryptocurrency space, making it difficult to stand out and attract significant adoption. Limited Use Cases: Despite ongoing project development, LUNC’s real-world use cases remain limited, hindering its potential for widespread adoption and price growth. #Write2Earn #LUNC. $LUNC
Will Luna Classic reach $10?

Obstacles on the Path to $10
Several factors make the $10 dream seem distant:

Massive Supply: LUNC suffers from a bloated supply of over 6.5 trillion tokens. While a burn mechanism exists, its effectiveness is debatable, raising concerns about significant price appreciation with such a vast supply.

Tarnished Reputation: The Terra ecosystem crash significantly damaged trust and investor confidence. Regaining that trust and attracting new investors will be an uphill battle.

Competition: LUNC faces intense competition from established and innovative projects in the cryptocurrency space, making it difficult to stand out and attract significant adoption.

Limited Use Cases: Despite ongoing project development, LUNC’s real-world use cases remain limited, hindering its potential for widespread adoption and price growth.

#Write2Earn #LUNC. $LUNC
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