🔥Are they launching a memecoin of the band Metallica?

Once again the #hackers continue doing their thing, capturing unwary people with the launches of new #memecoins celebrities. The official account of the band Metallica was hacked on platform X and immediately after they began promoting a new one #memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ .

There is no doubt that the surprise launch of new memecoins on the #Solana⁩ network is very common and hackers take advantage of that. This time the official account of the band Metallica on the X platform was violated by hackers, and then promoted a new memecoin called $METAL.

But this did not just stop there, but to make this scam more credible, the hackers began to mention alliances with Moonpay and Ticketmaster, which was later denied. In addition, they also made users believe that with the $METAL memecoin they could redeem exclusive merch from the band.

After the scam became known, the memecoin fell 100% from its maximum. The band has already recovered the account on the aforementioned social network and deleted the hackers' posts.

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