The PCE price index will be released at 8:30 pm tomorrow. What impact will it have on the market?

First, inflation expectations are unilateral. If the PCE index shows rising inflation, it may increase the Fed's interest rate hike speed, because interest rate hikes usually lead to funds flowing to safer assets and reduce demand for risky assets.

Second, in terms of monetary policy, the core PCE index is one of the monetary policies formulated by the Federal Reserve. If the PCE shows inflationary pressure, the Federal Reserve will take measures to suppress it.

Third, if it does not meet expectations, the market will usher in further declines in a short period of time.

The current forecast is in line with market conditions and lower than expected. If we continue to follow the forecast, the market will have a great trend of recovering its previous upward space!

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国PCE数据将公布