We who do short-term trading will encounter these psychological pressures. If it is you, have you overcome them?

When you make a profit, you should stop when you are ahead, and you are risk-averse.

When you lose money, you should take a gamble, and expect to take risks to recover the losses.

Overconfidence, overestimating your ability, and ignoring market changes.

Overreacting, chasing ups and downs, and turning a blind eye to risks.

Fear of losing control, frequent trading, and inability to hold long-term.

Regret, losing confidence in yourself.

Greed, too large positions, too high risks.

Jealousy, blindly following the trend, trading products or strategies that are not suitable for you.

Hope, no patience to wait for the right opportunity.

Despair, losing confidence in yourself, and frequently changing trading systems. Copy and regenerate

The bull market is still there, and you don’t know how to layout. You can find me through the pinned article. I am willing to share my experience and strategy with you, just for like-minded people! Get rich together!!