Statistics of the performance of the 4 major Chinese exchanges in 2024
In 2024, Binance launched 30 new currencies, OKX launched 33 new currencies, Bybit launched 104 new currencies, and Bitget launched 313 new currencies. Here is a summary of the performance of all currencies. The calculation method of the increase or decrease is:
(Current price - average daily price at opening) / average daily price at opening
In simple terms, it is how much the total increase/decrease has been since the opening. I personally think this calculation method is more intuitive and can avoid the extreme values of low opening & pin-ins.
From the perspective of "average" performance:
Binance > Bybit > OKX > Bitget
From the perspective of "median" performance:
Binance > OKX > Bybit > Bitget
From the perspective of "number of currencies":
Bitget > Bybit > OKX > Binance